School classroom students

At School

Educational institutions across the nation have examined their security and preparedness procedures in the aftermath of tragedies that have impacted communities both large and small scale. Many schools are focusing on strengthening strategic approaches to ensure the safety of students, faculty, and staff. According to the National School Safety Center, university and college campuses are more vulnerable to violent attacks because they are designed to be openly accessible for students.

The National Crime Prevention Council recently reported that 52 percent of students report seeing bullying at least once a week.

It is imperative that we protect our children. The school safety information below is provided to help you to reduce the many threats to your child’s safety at school.

What can you do to help?

The National School Safety and Security Services suggests 10 practical things that parents can do to assess school security and emergency/crisis preparedness at your child’s school. Click here to view their tips.

Encourage students living on campus to have conversations with residence hall staff to ensure that sign-in procedures, visitor identification badges, etc. are enforced.

For additional information regarding school safety, please visit these websites:

Be safe at Work
Be Safe while traveling